Location: Lichfield, West Coast Berbice
Classification: Religious & Commemorative Monument
Period/ Year Built: Church rebuilt 1980s, Monument built 1940
Historical Background / Description:
St. Jude’s Anglican Church is located in the community of Lichfield, on the West Coast of Berbice. The area now known as Lichfield was a plantation bought by former slave, Mr. Cudjoe McPherson, circa 1840 for $3,000.00. The area bought consisted of 2 square kilometres (500 acres) which Mr. McPherson divided into 12 units and sold for a profit.
The recipients of those lots were: J. McPherson, D. Richard, C. Bolingbroke, Q. London, T. Dodson, S. Tappin, M. Cadjoe, Q. Peters, P. Semple and J. Willoughby. Lichfield was transported on November 14, 1840. The Lichfield Centenary Monument was constructed in 1940, in commemoration of the village’s centenary anniversary and bears the names of the original proprietors of the community. The Anglican Church was first built and dedicated on September 19, 1920, but was replaced in the 1980s through financial gifts from overseas and local members.