Location: La Belle Alliance, Essequibo Coast
Classification: Commemorative Monument
Period/ Year Built: 1986
Historical Background / Description:
Damon’s Cross is located in the La Belle Alliance cemetery on the Essequibo Coast; it was unveiled on August 9, 1986. It is located on the site where Damon, a domestic servant from Plantation Richmond along with hundreds of servants, rose in defiance of plantation owner Mr. Charles Bean. The standoff which began on August 3,1834, lasted 10 days and was caused when Mr. Bean, along with other planters killed approximately 30-60 hogs (pigs) that belonged to the laborers on his Richmond plantation.
Damon along with the other servants were charged with inciting a riot. Damon was sentenced to death, however other leaders such as Adonis and Chance, also of Plantation Richmond; Billy, attached to Plantation Exmouth; Fothergill, attached to La Belle Alliance; Frederick, attached to Plantation Devonshire Castle; and Peter, attached to Plantation Coffee Grove, were sentenced to receive 200 lashes on their backs, but some only received 100 lashes. Mr. Bean was the owner of most of the plantations the apprentices originated from.