Location: Adventure, West Coast Berbice
Classification: Civil Infrastructure
Period/ Year Built: 1961
Historical Background / Description:
Located along the main access road in Region 5, is the Abary Bridge which crosses a portion of the Abary River and is within close proximity to the Abary Village. Initially the bridge was built as a part of the railway infrastructure that was needed to facilitate the Georgetown to Rosignol railway route. The bridge which was initially timber, was replaced by a lattice girder bridge which was manufactured in 1958, by P. and W. MacLellan Ltd., Clutha Works, Glasgow, England. A new bridge was later constructed by Sprostons Limited and was dedicated on September 20, 1961, by the Honourable Minister of Works and Hydraulics, Mr. Ramkarran. After the closure of the railway stations within the country, it was rehabilitated to serve as an asphalt bridge for vehicles.