Location: Robbstown, (Company Path) Georgetown
Classification: Commemorative Monument
Period/ Year Built: 1972
Historical Background / Description:
With its entrance facing Avenue of the Republic, bordered by Church Street to its north and North Road to its south, stands the Non-Aligned Monument. This edifice was unveiled by His Excellency, Mr. Arthur Chung, the first President of Guyana to commemorate the 1972 Conference of Foreign Ministers of Non-Aligned countries, and to honour the founders of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). The monument was dedicated to President Jawaharlal Nehru of India, President Gamel Nasser of Egypt, President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.
The commemorative monument consists of four busts, sculpted to the likeness of each of the founders. The busts were sculpted in the countries where the men originated from. The busts were mounted on a concrete plinth with a base made of quartz stone from the Mazaruni District. Four jasper rocks from the Orinduik Falls adorn the front of the monument in a pool which was decorated with colourful stones from the riverbeds of Guyana. The plinth on which the monument rests was designed by the Guyanese architectural firm, George Henry Associates. The Non-Aligned Monument was gazetted as a National Monument in April, 2001.