National Trust of Guyana

About Us

What is The National Trust?

The National Trust of Guyana was established following the passage of the National Trust Act, No. 7 of 1972. The Act “makes provision for the preservation of monuments, sites, places and objects of historic interest or national importance.”

Under the National Trust Act, the term ‘monuments’ includes any building, structure, object or other work of man or of nature whether above or below the surface of the land or the floor of the sea within territorial waters of Guyana and any site, cave or excavation. National Monuments are the vested responsibility of the National Trust and are gazetted as such after approval by Parliament. At present there are nine gazetted National Monuments.

Our Mission

To conserve, preserve and promote the nation’s patrimony so that the present and future generations will access and enjoy the richness of Guyana’s heritage.


The general function of the National Trust is “to promote the permanent preservation for the benefit of the nation of property of beauty or historic interest” which includes the following

Preservation of Heritage Sites

The preservation of buildings and/or places of significance and the protection and development of the amenities of such buildings and places and their surroundings

Preservation of Artifacts

The preservation of furniture, pictures and chattels of any description having national, historic or artistic interest.

5. Fort Nassau (option2)
Providing Access

Facilitating the access to such buildings, places and chattels for tourism and purposes and the enjoyment of the public.

Our Vision

Our heritage valued and preserved
Our history recorded
Our people inspired and empowered

Our Role

Our Values

Our Services

The National Trust offers a number of services to the public including research through its mini library facility and exhibition gallery on historical and heritage sites throughout Guyana. The agency also aims to sensitize the public about Guyana’s heritage resources through media such as exhibitions, publications, presentations and its radio programme known as ‘Heritage Minute’.



The National Trust of Guyana is guided by a Board of Directors. Its membership includes the following:

A Chairman is also appointed from among the above membership.


Managed by a Chief Executive Officer and staff members who undertake the day-to-day activities of the agency in the following departments.